Best Oakville Laser Hair Removal Treatment


For many people living in Oakville Ontario, laser hair removal is a far better option than tweezing, waxing, or constantly shaving in an effort to be rid of unwanted hair. The most common targets for Laser Hair Removal in Oakville are the legs, face, arms, underarms, back, and the bikini line. 

The way this procedure works is to shine a laser light on the affected area, after which the hair follicles will absorb the light and die. This is one of the most frequently performed procedures in both the US and Canada and especially in Oakville, Ontario. Oakville laser hair removal can be done relatively quickly and painlessly. 


One of the biggest benefits of laser hair removal is that hair removal should only target the dark, coarse hairs on your skin and leave the skin itself completely unharmed. That kind of precision is necessary when you’re trying to remove hair only and nothing else. The process is also a very fast one, with a good laser able to treat an area the size of a quarter in just one second. 

That means the hair can be removed from your lip or chin in just a few seconds, and your entire back could be treated in less than an hour. Another benefit that people love about laser hair removal is that after about three to five sessions, the hair loss becomes permanent. So for instance, if you wanted to remove all your leg hair, you might only have to do it about four times before the hair removal became a permanent situation. 


How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal In Oakville?

Keep in mind that laser hair removal is an actual medical procedure, and not just another day of shaving unwanted hair. 

That means you should do some research and find a competent and knowledgeable practitioner to perform the procedure for you because if it isn’t done correctly, your skin could be harmed. 

After choosing a skilled medical professional, you can best prepare for the procedure by avoiding exposure to the sun for about six weeks prior to the selected date, and you should also avoid doing any plucking or waxing of hairs during that time. 


What To Expect During Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

About a half-hour before the procedure is to begin, a topical numbing agent will usually be applied to the skin, so as to reduce the discomfort of the laser stings. Then just before the actual laser is trained on the affected area, the hair will be trimmed down to a few millimeters above the skin line, to make the process easier. The laser equipment will be set up to accommodate your skin color, as well as the specific characteristics of your hair, including the color, thickness, and location. 

Both you and the medical professional will probably have to wear protective eye equipment, so the laser light doesn’t damage your eyes. A cold gel or a special cooling device will then be applied to your skin to protect it, and to make it easier for the laser light to actually penetrate the skin and get to the roots of the hairs. At first, the technician will probably only apply a single pulse of laser light to the treatment area, so he/she can observe the reaction of your skin at that location. 

If any adjustments are necessary for the equipment, they will probably be done at this time, after that first laser pulse. Once the procedure is complete, you might be given ice packs or an anti-inflammatory lotion to soothe your skin and prevent a negative reaction. Then, when any reaction has died down, you can schedule the next session for about a month later, and you can continue with these sessions until the hair loss becomes permanent. 

Recovery and Risks of Laser Hair Removal

In the aftermath of treatment, your skin will probably look and feel as though you had been exposed to the sun for an extended period of time. If it’s really uncomfortable, you can use cold compresses and moisturizers to relieve any discomfort. You should always use sunscreen for about a month after the procedure so as to avoid changes in your skin color. 

During that time frame, you’ll probably notice that some hairs just fall out on their own. It’s possible that there may be some blistering after the procedure, but this generally only occurs in people who have complexions which are dark. There may also be some temporary swelling or redness in the area where hair was removed. 

Costs of Laser Hair Removal

The final cost of laser hair removal will depend in large part on which area of the body is being treated, and how large that area is. It will also be impacted by the number of sessions required and by the level of medical professionals treating you.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost per session of laser hair removal is approximately $285.

So for instance, if you needed four sessions to accomplish the complete removal of hair in some area, it would cost you in the neighborhood of $1,140. 

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